09 April 2018

7 Things We've Learned in 7 Years of Marriage

ABBEY: I know there will be more years to come and more lessons to be learned, but here are my 3 tips I acquired for the past 7 years.

Be yourself
In a world full of pretension, not showing the real you will be the last thing you will do to your partner. He/she will be the first and last person you will see each day. You will do everything with him/her; doing chores, grocery, shopping, movie dates, vacation, etc. Doing this will let your partner know how you feel and how you act. And this will lead to openness and some compromises to have a better relationship.

Communication is key
I’m talking about two-way communication. If he/she talks, then you listen and your time will come. Be open and sincere to whatever you’re saying. Resolve disagreements without shouting and in a peaceful manner. If you’re angry, it is fine to keep silent. But not too much that you’ll forget what you were angry about and the issue will remain unsettled. Choose your words wisely. Whenever you’re talking to him/her, you’re talking to yourself. Remember, he/she is your better-half. You cannot take back what you said.

Do the “little” things
A hug, a kiss, a pat on the back or saying “I miss you, I love you” goes a long way. These “little” things matter most. But give it with a gift and it will surely hit a homerun. Kidding aside, showing your affection will be felt right to the heart. Besides, doing these “little” things is where it all started. They keep the fire burning.

------- It All Began at Manila Central University (HS) 1996 -------
Manila Central University
New Gymnasium

Manila Central University
Old II-Self Reliance Classroom

Manila Central University
New Canteen

Manila Central University
New Gym but Old Bleachers 

Manila Central University
New Gymnasium

Manila Central University
New Gymnasium

Manila Central University

Manila Central University
Old I-Respect Room 

Manila Central University
High School Second Floor Lobby

Manila Central University
Old I-Respect Room

Manila Central University

Manila Central University
Stairs Beside Ate Dhang Haha! 
------- Seven Years... Still Going Strong ------- 

WILL: Seven years! Oh my gosh! That is way too fast! Noh?! The memories of proposal, meet-the-family (pamanhikan), and of course the wedding is still fresh on my mind. Parang kahapon lang. And now, we are celebrating our 7th year of togetherness this year!

Whenever I was asked by people, what makes our relationship or our marriage seems perfect, I always told them the things below. Oh one more thing, we only have one big fight on our entire relationship. How big? I banged the door of our room. Cause? A Fish! So silly!

Anyways, here you go!

One Goal - We have one goal in different aspects of life. Emotionally, to always cherish each other. Financially, Absolute Financial Freedom. On health, our goal is to be more preventive than fighting for a cure.

There Is No Such Thing As Privacy - Yes! Abbey and I all know our passwords. Gadgets, emails, social media sites, and even banks and investments. Why should I keep my password from you if there is nothing to hide? This is not a rule or we never talk about it that it should be like that way. We just saw ourselves updating each other every time we need to change passwords.

Anytime, we can check each other's account, but we do not do it. First we do not have time to lurk on those, second we have..

Trust - Aside Love, trust is one of the basic thing in relationship. Once you say "I Do', you are entrusting your future with the man/woman with you at the altar. Do not lie. Do not cheat. Do not do anything that can break the very fragile feeling of "TRUST".


Always Think Anytime He/She Will Leave You - If everyday you will think that anytime your partner may die or may leave you for another woman, you will always do the very best thing you can do for them. You will always tell them how much you love them, how much you miss them, how much you are proud of them. You will thank them even in the smallest thing that they do for you. Morbid? But this is effective. 

That's it! Happy 7th year anniversary to both of us! haha! 

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